After hearing about some good catches of Brown Trout being caught yesterday south of Ludington we headed that way this morning on a 5 hour trip. We set up on the south side of the Project in 12 feet of water (fow) and trolled south. We noticed right away the water was clear and had cooled down a couple degrees from yesterday. Not a good sign for catching Browns. We put out 3 flat lines with Rapala’s & a 1 color core with a Super Slim on each side of the boat. We had high & low Slide Divers with Super Slims out too. We trolled close to a mile before we took our first Brown. It hit an F 11 Brown Trout Rapala. We didn’t hit another fish until just before the Bass Lake outlet. It was Brown on a 1 color core with a Super Slim Carmel Icicle. There was another charter boat ahead of us and the only fish they had boated was a small King that they threw back. Not knowing any better place to fish we made circles around the outlet. That is where we took the rest of our fish. The King and a Lake Trout also took an F 11 Brown Trout on our far Birds. The Steelhead came on a 1 color with a Naughty Natalie Super Slim. Our last fish was the biggest Laker. It hit a F 11 Natural Perch Rapala. We also caught a small King which we threw back. We are hoping to get some stained water back in there after todays rain.
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