We fished north of Ludington this morning setting up in 120 feet of water off the shelf. We hit fish right away. Both out downs were good early. The starboard out down set at 85 with a pair of DW UV Beefeaters was first. The port out down with a pair of standard Fuzzy Bear Yellowtails down 75 was a close second. They both had the top bait stacked 12 feet above the main bait and the fish were taking the stackes. The UV Beefeaters went 5 times. They hit the stack 3 out of the 5 times. Later in the morning we dropped them to 95 feet and moved the chute rigger down to 115. We moved the other out down to 85 but it didn’t go after the early bite. Our chute rigger down 95 had a mag Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail stacked with a standard Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail. It went twice. Once on the main bait and once on the stack. Later we dropped the chute to 125 and put a mag Dreamweaver Beefeater stacked with a standard DW UV Beefeater on it. The mag Beefeater took our second biggest fish and was our last bite. We took a small fish on a high wire Deeper Diver out 210 with an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. We had a tug on a low wire Deeper Diver with an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Glow Blue Bubble Action Fly out 120 but it didn’t hook up. We didn’t run any meat and didn’t have any board bites. Most of our action came on a north troll. We only had 3 bites on the south troll. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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