It was raining and foggy when we left Ludington harbor this morning and headed north. We got an early start, and it was very dark when we set up off the Bank. Surface temp was 53 and it was 49 degrees down 50 feet on our Fish Hawk. We had almost all our lines set when we hit our first fish. It was a King that took a Super Slim Blue Slice on a 2 color core. That spoon on a 2 color has been a good producer for us our last few trips. Our chute rigger with a pair of standard Dreamweaver Soda spoons was next. Then it was chaos! Both out downs fired. One with a pair of mag Fuzzy Bear Shelly Snacks down 6o and the other with a pair of mag Half Bad Toads down 50. The riggers were going as soon as we could get them down. First Mate Abe was trying to put a stacker on the chute rigger and a King ripped it off the ball. It was only down 15 feet. Our low wires went several times. The port low Deeper Diver was out 100 with an 8″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. The starboard low Deeper Diver was out 85 with an 8″ Two Face Flip Fin Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly.
The fin was deployed. Both our Slide Divers got sawed off. We rarely got all our coppers and cores out.
Our best cores were our 3, 5, & 7 colors. A Super Slim Double Orange Crush on a 3 color took our biggest Steelhead. It was a Master Angler fish weighing in at 13.54 lbs. and was 34 inches long. Our 5 color with a Yeck Fireball went several times and a 7 color with an SS Green Hulk was good too. Our deeper coppers went a few times, but our cores were best today. Alot of our bites were Steelhead. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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