We fished an afternoon trip today. We set up in 180 feet of water south of the Bath House. It was a slow start for us but we finally boated a King on a Super Slim Green Skinny Jeans free sliding above a DW Skinny Jeans 75 down on an out down. That went two more times later in the evening. We put a 10″ Lake Trout Candy Spin Doctor/Blue Chrome Glow Wing WirlyGig down on the bottom and took a good size Trout and missed one. We took a Laker and a King on a high wire diver out 275 with an 8″ Custom Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. We took a King on a low wire diver out 170 with a 10″ Black White Crush Green Scale Spin Doctor/Froggie Dreamweaver Meat Rig . An 8″ Green Sparkle/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly on a 275 copper took a King and our biggest King came on a Super Slim Super Bread on a 400 copper. Our highest copper to take a fish was a 200 with a Super Slim Rasta Goose. We worked between 140 & 180 feet of water. Our Fish Hawk probe was reading 52 degrees at 55 feet. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs. We pull our lead cores and Morgan’s Tackle copper with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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