Fished north this morning setting up off the bank. Surface temp was 65.2. It was 42 down 70 feet on our Fish Hawk. The picture on our graph looked good. The chute rigger was the first rod in. It was set at 80 feet with an 11 ” Green White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly stacked with a Black Carbon Super Slim. Second rod in was the starboard out down set at 55 with a pair of standard glow spoons. The top bait was free sliding. The chute went first, then the out down. Two rods in, two fish on. Each fish took the top spoon. We boated both of them. We were on a north troll and by the time we got all our rods set the graph was clean. We were pinned in so we couldn’t turn back south. We missed a fish on a high wire diver out 150 with an 8″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly and took our biggest King of the trip on a 250 copper with an SS Soda. We took a Laker on the chute rigger on the big Green Paddle. The boat that had us pinned in turned back south so we decided to take it out deeper and see what we could find out there. The out troll was not good. Our rods were all cocked to the east. No bites out deep so we took a southeast troll back in towards the Point. We had 1 bite on a 7.5 color core and two bites on a 300 copper with a Yeck Fireball. Our last 2 fish came on a southwest troll on an out down set at 65 with an SS Half Green Jeans free sliding above a mag Fuzzy Bear Half Green Jeans. Both Kings took the free slider. The weather wasn’t the best. We got a little wet, but we had a hardy crew that didn’t let a little rain dampen their spirts. We use Morgan’s copper and wire, Dreamweaver Ninja Boards, Dreamweaver Deeper Divers, and use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs.
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