Tough couple of days fishing up north. Yesterday we set up north of the stick in 80 feet of water (fow). The water was a couple degrees colder on the surface, but it was 40 degrees down 20 feet. We took our only fish on a 10″ Chrome Killer Spin Doctor/Green Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig out 100 on a high wire diver. We had one more bite when we trolled out deep but it didn’t hook up. We talked to a couple of friends that hit some fish in front of the harbor so we picked up and ran in to try it there. No bites for us. Some nice Kings are being caught there and in PM Lake. It is mostly an early bite. Today we went back up north and set up in 90 fow. We took 1 fish on a 5 color core with a glow spoon. We trolled down north of the point with no more bites so we trolled out to deeper water. We hit fish between 230 & 350 fow. Two of our Kings came on a low wire diver out 80 on a 10″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Green Mile Big Water Meat Rig. A regular size DW UV Leopard Frog spoon stacked above a 8″ Yellow Sparkle Spin Doctor/UV On Ice Big Water Rig down 46 on an out down took a good size Laker. Our only copper bite came on a 250 with a 10″ Green Sparkle Spin Doctor/Green Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs.
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