It was just breaking daylight when we hit our first fish. It hit a 10 color core with a Pink Spotted Captains Choice Cut Plug. It wasn’t on long and was gone. We didn’t have to wait long for our next bite. It came on a 225 copper with a Natural Glow Captain’s Choice Cut Plug. We got that one and one more on the same rod. Our early action was pretty steady after that. We had five bites on 10″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctors/Blue Fairways Strong Flys. Two on a high wire out 220, one on a high wire out 200, one on a low wire out 140 and another on a high wire out 240. We didn’t get them all, but the Kings have been likeing that combo. Natural Glow plugs were hot too. Besides the two on the 225 we hit one on a 200 copper and another on a 250 copper. We boated a King and missed one on a 10″ Whtie Glow Blade Spin Doctor/Green Mirage Strong Fly 89 down on the chute rigger. We took the King pictured left on a 11″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly 125 feet down on a rigger. We were north today.
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