With the Lake being flat calm we decided to try our luck offshore today. We have been having good success out deep, so we set up in 120 feet of water a little south of Ludington and put it on a west troll. The bite was slower today than it has been. We had 3 bites on meat. A 10" White Crush Black Dot Spin Doctor/Moo Moo DW Meat rig went twice on a low wire #5 Deeper Diver out 110.
A little later in the morning we swapped out the Spin Doctor for an 8" Flip Fin Paddle/Green Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig. It took a nice King. Our chute rigger down 85 with an 11" White Slick Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly went three times. Early, our out down set at 60 with a Captain's Choice Wonder Bread Plug took a King. Our biggest fish came on an 8" White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly out 250 on a high wire #4 Deeper Diver. We took a small Steelhead on a 200 copper with a standard DW Spotted Starburst and a King on a 350 copper with a mag Fuzzy Bear Green Slice spoon. We didn't lose many fish and didn't have the bites we've had the last several trips out deep, but we ended up with a nice catch. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan's Tackle copper and wire
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