Good fishing again today north of Ludington. First rod to go was an out down with a Pearl Zebra Captain’s Choice Cut Plug down 65. Both our 300 coppers were next. They both had Captain’s Choice plugs on them, a Green Splatter Back and a Michigan Shiner. Our 200 copper with a Wonder Bread Captain’s Choice plug was our highest board bite and it went twice. We had a 10 color core and a 175 copper out with plugs, but they didn’t go. Our chute rigger with an 11″ White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly went twice at 100 feet. We had an 8″ Dragon Slayer Paddle/Blue UV Strong Fly go three times on an out down, twice at 60 ft. and once at 84 ft. Our wire divers didn’t go until it was full light. A 10″ Black Spin Doctor/Green Mirage Strong Fly on a low wire went twice at 150 and once at 170. Our hot high diver set up yesterday, a 10″ Glow Blade White Crush Spin Doctor/Green Mirage Strong Fly, only went once. It was out 220. No spoon bites and only one meat bite. It was on a high wire diver out 270 with a 10″ White Crush Green Scale Spin Doctor/Action Fly Meat Rig. The Lake was rough and the south troll was brutal. Looks like it could be bumpy again tomorrow. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle Copper on all our copper rods.
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