Good fishing continues in Ludington! We fished south west of Ludington today setting up in 80 feet of water (fow) in the 55’s and putting it on 240 troll. We had 5 rods set when we hit our first fish, a King, 45 down on an out down . It took the free slider. From that point on the action was steady. We got out to 140 fow before we made our turn to do an in troll. We came back in to 70 fow before we turned back for our out troll. We finished up in the high 53’s in 150 fow. Our lead cores were definitely our best producers. We were running 3, 5, 7.5, & 10 color cores. We were running Super Slims on them all. The Starburst on a 3, UV Mixed Veggie on the 5’s , Wreaking Ball on our 7.5’s, and the UV Blue Dolphin on one 10 color & the Orange Signature Series on the other 10. Hard to tell which one was the best. They were all good. We were also running two 250 coppers with meat rigs. One didn’t go , but the other went 3 times with a 10″Purple Sparkle Spin Doctor/UV Purple Big Water Meat Rig. Our wire divers took a couple fish but were no big deal until we put a 10″ White Killer Spin Doctor and Big Water Tackle’s new Total Chaos Meat Rig on a low wire out 100. It went 3 times in less than an hour. Our best action was between 100 & 130 fow. We are using Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs.
Ludington Area Fishing Reports
6-12-14- Fishing Report
Good fishing continues in Ludington. It was very foggy this morning when we headed west south west out of the harbor . We set up in 75 feet of water (fow) and put it on a 240 troll .The surface temp was 47.8 degrees. Our second rod in was a 3 color core with a Super Slim Starburst. While was attaching the board a Steelhead grabbed it. That was a sign of good things to come. Our action on the out troll was steady. We turned back east in 130 fow. The in troll was a different story. We hit a few fish, but the out troll was much better than the in. Our two hot rods were the chute rigger with a 8″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly and a 5 color core with a Super Slim Wreaking Ball. They both went three times. A 8″ Chrome Frog Spin Doctor/Moo Moo Big Water Rig took 2 Kings. Our out downs were set at 30 & 40 feet. The 40 ft. rigger with a pair of Yeck Wart frogs took a fish at 40 ft. and another one when we lowered to 65 ft. later in the morning. The other out down with a pair of regular size Fuzzy Bear Yellow Tails didn’t go at 30 ft. but took a nice King when we dropped down to 40. A low wire out 90 with a 10″ Glow Blade Mountain Dew Spin Doctor/Mountain Dew Dreamweaver Meat Rig took a King. We also hit one fish each on 250 copper with a 10″ Yellow NBK Spin Doctor/Moo Moo Big Water Rig and a 300 copper with a 10″ Margareta Spin Doctor/Green Mile Big Water Rig. We are using Dreamweaver Premium Strips with all our meat rigs.
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