Fished north this morning. We figured the deck was stacked against us with the bright full moon and the big waves from the north. The water was cold, 43 degrees down 50 ft. on our Fish Hawk, but the fish were biting. Bites were on: 3 color core Double Orange Crush, 5 color core Double Orange Crush and a Gold Yeck Fireball, 7.5 color core with a
Gold Fireball, 7.5 color core small Pink plug, 10 color core small Pink plug, 10 color core SS Metallic Glow Frog went twice, and a 225 copper 8″ Chrome White Crush Green Dot Flip Fin Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. Port out down set at 50 went 3 times with a pair of SS Soda spoons, starboard out down set at 55 went 3 times with a pair of Green Glow spoons, 1 time with an 8″ White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly and 1 more time down 65 with an 8″ Blue Bubble Flip Fin Paddle/Blue Bubble Action Fly and a SS Metallic Glow Frog stacked above the paddle. The Coho took the stack. Chute rigger down 8 ent 3 times with an 11″ Black Slick Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. Our high wire divers were very good.
One was out 150 and the other out 160. Both had an 8″ White Slick Flip Fin Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. Starboard low wire out 140 with an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Blue Bubble Action Fly went twice. Our crew was experienced and that helped a lot. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire, Dreamweaver Deeper Divers, Dreamweaver Ninja Boards, and Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs.
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