Had a fun trip today with First Mate Abraham and Capt. Jimmy Younan. We fished north setting up south of the Bathhouse in 130 fow. Surface temp was 51 degrees, It was 44.7 50 ft. down on our Fish Hawk. First rod to go was an 11″ White Slick DW Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly down 80 ft. on the chute rigger. It broke off. I tried an experiment this morning that didn’t end well. I tied up a few flies with 20 lb. fluorocarbon to see if it made a difference on how many bites we got. Well, we got three bites on the 20 lb. on three different rigs and all three broke off. That ended the experiment. Will go back to using heavier leader on my flies. Our port high wire diver with an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action fly went twice at 150 and twice at 180. Port low wire out 110 with an 8″ Black Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly took a mature King. Starboard high wire diver out 135 with an 8″ Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly went once. Later in the morning we switched out the Spin Doctor for an 8″ Magic Man Flip Fin Paddle/ Emerald Crystal Action Fly. We dropped it back to 250 and it took a big King. Starboard low wire out 115 with an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Flip Fin Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly took a nice fish. Port out down set at 50 with a mag glow spoon went twice. After the bite slowed 1st Mate Abe put a mag RV Bloody Nose on a 2 color core and ran it down 100 feet on his out down. It took a mature King. We took fish on a 7.5 color core a 10 color core, 250 copper, 275 copper, and a 300 copper. They all had mag spoons on them except the 7.5 core. It had a Bloody Nose DW Super Slim. We were marking fish down deep so we ran a 11″ White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly down 180 on the chute rigger and took a mature King on it. We ended up north of the Point in 280 feet of water. The surface temp cooled to 46 degrees, but the down temp at 50 feet was steady at 44.7. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire and pull our coppers and lead cores with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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