We set lines today straight out and a little south of Ludington today in 90 feet of water. Our clients were looking to catch Lake Trout. They definitely came at the right time. The Trout were hungry again today. Almost all the fish we cleaned had Alewives in their stomachs. We had 3 riggers bouncing bottom. The out downs had Lake Trout Candy Spin Doctors/WhirlyGigs and the chute rigger a 8″ Chrome Spin Doctor/Wonder Bread WhirlyGig. Our port out down with a Chrome Blue Yellow Dot WhirlGig out fished the Chrome Chartreuse WhirlyGig on the starboard out down. Our chute rigger took several fish with the new Glow Wonder Bread WhirlyGig. All 4 divers took fish. We had the digging on or near the bottom with 8″ Chrome Spin Doctors and WhirlyGigs. If your looking to catch Lake Trout now is a pretty good time to try.
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