We fished north today setting up south of the point in 120 feet of water. We hit a small King right away on an out down set at 55 ft. with a pair of Super Slim Super Breads. We boated another small King & lost a big one on that same rod. We took the King pictured below on a 175 copper with a mag Bloody Nose and lost a nice one on it too. A Super Slim Green Skinny Jeans on a 225 copper went 4 times. We took 2 small Kings a 3 year old King and a Laker on it. We boated a Trout and lost a King on an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Blue Bubble Action Fly out 210 on a high wire diver. We marked the most bait I’ve seen so far this year between 70 and 120 feet of water by the Point. We had good early action but the last hour or so was slow. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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