Another tough day fishing north of Ludington. We set up in 120 feet of water and trolled north along the shelf. Almost all our rods were set when the chute rigger with an 11″ White Crush DW Paddle/Custom Fly set at 90 went. It was a mature King that put up a good fight but lost. We boated it. We took it about a mile past the Point without another bite, so we turned back south. We took about a 5 lb. King on a 7.5 color core with a Yeck Fireball. We let the core back out and before we could get the Ninja Board on it a nice Steelhead took the Fireball. We boated it too. Then we rode for a long time without bite. We put it on a northwest troll and finally took another 5 lb. King on a 250 copper on a Modified Coyote spoon. When we were pulling lines, we had a shaker dragging on a 7.5 color core with an orange glow spoon. It was in good shape, so it went back in the Lake to have a chance to grow up. Our next scheduled trip is next Friday. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire and pull our lead cores and coppers with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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