Had a plan this morning, but it didn’t work out very well. We had been doing so well setting up straight out and a little south of Ludington between 90 & 100 feet of water. Not so today. We went over an hour without a bite. We weren’t marking any fish, but past mornings we hadn’t been marking many so we were not too worried. But after trolling for quite a while without a bite we were plenty worried. There was a good boat fishing just outside us and another good boat inside us and they weren’t doing very well either. Our first fish came on a 5 color core with a Yeck Red Laser spoon. It turned out to be a 4 or 5 lb. King. Whew, not skunked. It wasn’t too long after that we stared hitting a few Trout. They didn’t come fast and we never had a double but we did manage to get our crew their Lake Trout limit. The 8″ Lake Trout Candy Spin Doctor/Chrome Chartreuse WhirlyGig was good on an out down and a high wire diver. A 8″ Chrome Spin Doctor/Glow Wonder Bread Whirly Gig took a few on the chute rigger and low wire diver. Our divers were on or near the bottom. We took our biggest fish of the season, a 20+pound King on a 250 copper with a glow spoon on it. Our last fish was a Lake Trout that took a Yeck Wart Frog on a 200 copper.
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