We fished north today on a 5 hour trip setting up in 135 feet of water. Our first two rods in both went. First was the chute rigger down 95 with a mag Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail stacked with a standard Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail. Our starboard out down set at 85 with a pair of standard Dreamweaver UV Beefeaters went second. They both had nice Kings on them. We landed the one on the chute and pulled the hooks on the other one right behind the boat. We got our port out down set with a pair of standard Fuzzy Bear Yellowtails and it went right away. Yesterday the fish were taking the stacks early but today they were taking the main bait. The out down with the pair of UV DW Beefeaters was our best rod. It went several times throughout the morning. It took our last fish of the trip and the same bait took a fish on a 375 copper. We had a mag Dreamweaver Hulk go twice on a low wire Deeper Diver out 150. We lost a big fish on our other low wire out 170 with a DW Flip Fin Two Face Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. A little later in the morning we swapped out the Yellowtails on the chute rigger for a mag Beefeater and a standard Beefeater. The mag went twice. We didn’t have a high wire bite all morning. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and use Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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