We started out fishing today just off the Bank in 110 feet of water (fow) south of the Bathhouse. The down temp had had cooled dramatically since yesterday. Yesterday morning at 50 feet it was 53 degrees. Today at 40 feet it was 44 degrees. We set our first rod, a 11″ White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly , down at 55 ft. We didn’t even get the second rod set when it took off screaming out drag. It turned out to be a 15 lb. King. It wasn’t long when a 5 color core with a regular size DW Bloody Nose took a hit but we missed it. We were marking some fish and bait near the bottom but the further north we trolled the less we saw on the graph. By the time we were north of the Stick the screen was clean. We have been able to pull some nice catches the last 3 days from that water but it looked like it wasn’t going to happen today. After checking the Coastwatch site we saw what looked like a good surface temp break to the northwest. When we started pulling lines the chute rigger with the big Paddle/Pickled Sunshine took about a 6 or 7 lb. King. That didn’t change our minds about pulling and running. We ran about 5 miles northwest and found a break. We set up in 55 degree water and continued on a northwest troll. We started hitting fish right away. Most of our action was on clean birds, and 1, 2, & 3 color cores. Our 2 best rods were a clean bird with a Dreamweaver Little Devil (LD) with a piece orange laser tape across the front of it and a Yeck 22 Pat’s Bait on a 2 color core. Other good baits were Super Slim Starbursts, Goldilocks, Ruby Red, Magic Man and Double Orange Pearl. We kept 14 fish out there and threw back 10 small Steelhead. The 2 small ones we kept were mortally wounded. It was a long run back home , but it was worth it.
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