Our crew today wanted to try for Kings. We headed south and set up in the 46’s in 100 feet of water. Our 1st rigger in was an out down set 45 down with a pair of regular size Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail spoons. I was reaching for another rod when that rigger got bit hard. It hit the slider and the fish escaped. We took our 1st fish on a 225 copper with a glow spoon. That 225 took 2 of our fish today. We missed one on a 200 copper with a regular size Dreamweaver Raspberry Carbon spoon. We rode for a while before we took our 3rd King. It came on a 300 copper with a 8″ Seneca Special Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. It was our biggest fish of the day. The wind was picking up toward the end of our trip so we turned back north. We took a King on our chute rigger down 95 with a pair of Mag Dreamweaver Blue Dolphins and took another King on a high diver out 125 with another Mag DW Blue Dolphin. Our last bite came on a Mag DW Beefeater spoon out 135 on a high wire diver. It hit and was gone.
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