We fished north today setting up on a north troll in 120 feet of water off the bath house. It was foggy and rough and we had a hard time with the auto pilot & trying to get a good speed. Got on a decent troll and hit a triple. Chute rigger down 65 with a big Kevin’s Girlfriend Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly stacked with a mag DW Spotted Blue UV Dolphin went first. Next was an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly out 85 on a low wire Deeper Diver. The other low wire went with a mag DW Spotted Blue UV Dolphin out 90. We didn’t get any of them. The low wire with the spoon went one more time and the low wire with the Spin Doctor/Fly out 85 went a total of 4 times. Our starboard out down with a mag Beefeater set at 50 and a regular DW UV Beefeater free sliding above it went 3 times. They were hitting the slider and getting off. Acted like Coho bites. We didn’t get any bites on our high wire divers so we pulled them and replaced them with Slide Divers. We took 2 fish on the starboard Slide Diver out 110 with a regular DW Spotted UV Dolphin. Only had 1 board bite. It was a small King that took a Spotted Magic Man Super Slim on a 7.5 color core. We took 2 more fish on the chute rigger. Both fish took the stack. We had a good crew that hung in there in cold rough conditions. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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