We got off to a slow start again this morning up north. We were all “plugged up”. We had them on 3 cores, 2 coppers and one out down and we never had a plug bite. Our wire divers went several times early but we had trouble getting them to stick. Our high wire diver out 167 with a 10″ Blue Bubble/ Glow Blue Bubble Action Fly Meat Rig went 4 or 5 times and we never landed a fish on it . A low wire diver out 145 with a 10″ White Crush Green Scale Spin Doctor/ Custom Dreamweaver Meat Rig took 2 Kings for us. We pulled all our plugs except for a number 3 Moldy Wonder Bread Silver Horde on a 175 copper and replaced them with Spin Doctors and meat rigs. The 175 copper with the number 3 plug has went at least twice each day the past few days but didn’t go today. We took 3 Lakers on a Tin Can Dodger/Yellow Red Dot Spin-N-Glow off our chute rigger. A high wire diver with a 10″ Mountain Dew Spin Doctor/4th of July Big Water Meat Rig went twice, once at 145 and again at 185. Our only copper bites came on a 300 with a 10″ Chrome Kevorkian Spin Doctor/Green UV Big Water Rig. We took 2 Kings on it. The biggest is pictured left. We took a big Steelhead on a regular size Fuzzy Bear Green Dolphin free sliding above a magnum Fuzzy Green Dolphin set at 65 feet on an out down. Our last fish came on a 10″ Yellow Sparkler Spin Doctor/Yellow Gasoline DW Meat Rig out 200 on a high wire diver. We fished the Bank early and then moved out to deeper water. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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