We got off to a good start this morning up north. Our wire divers were hot and we got a couple plug bites. A high wire out 145 with a 10″ Mountain Dew Slick Spin Doctor/4th of July Big Water Meat Rig went 3 times. A 10″ White Crush Green Scale Spin Doctor/ Action Fly Meat Rig out 100 went twice on a low wire and a 10″ White Slick Green Holo Spin Doctor/ Action Fly Meat Rig went once. A Green Ladder Back Captain’s Choice Cut Plug took a big King down 40 on an out down. Our only copper bite during the early flurry was a number 3 Silver Horde Moldy Wonder Bread on a 175 copper. When the dust settled we had 6 mature Kings in the box. We made a turn and went on a south troll. We went a little over 3 miles and only took 1 fish. It was a good size Lake Trout on the chute rigger with a Tin Can Dodger/Yellow Red Dot Spin-N-Glow. We couldn’t take the lack action on the south troll any longer so we turned out on a 250 troll. We hit 3 fish in very short order. We lost a big fish on a mag size Fuzzy Bear Blue Educator down 65 on an out down , landed a King on a high wire diver out 165 with a 10″ Yellow Sparkler Spin Doctor/UV On Ice Big Water Rig and landed a Trout on our Tin Can on the chute rigger. We took 2 king on our 300 coppers. One had a 10″ Chrome Kevorkian Spin Doctor/Green UV Big Water Rig and the other was on a 8″ Chrome Kevorkian Yellow Gasoline DW rig. We took another King on a 250 copper with a 10″ Yellow Sparkler Spin Doctor/UV On Ice Big Water Rig. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs a Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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