We fished south again today setting up in 110 feet of water. We had all our rods set before we got our first bite. We had a Super Slim Super Bread set at 45 ft. on an out down and another one free sliding above it. We took a 3 year old King on the slider. We reset it and a Coho took the free slider. We landed the Coho too. The big King pictured left took a Super Slim Green Skinny Jeans on a 175 copper. After one heck of a fight we finally got it in the net. The bite slowed for us so we moved out deeper. Our fourth fish, a big Coho, came on an 8″ Chrome Killer Spin Doctor/Green Mile Big Water Meat Rig 85 out on a low wire diver. Our high wire diver with a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig out 110 went 3 times. We landed 2 out of 3. We took a nice size Steelhead on a Super Slim Blue Skinny Jeans on a 175 copper. We had an 8″ Chrome Spin Doctor/Blue Chrome WhirlyGig with glow wings fishing near the bottom. It went twice with Lake Trout on but only 1 made it to the net. We ended the trip in 165 feet of water. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods and Morgan’s wire on our wire rods.
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