Went north again today. Boat traffic wasn’t near as heavy as yesterday. The water was warmer today, 47 degrees down 90 ft. It took a while for our first bite. It came on a regular DW Super Bread spoon free sliding over another Super Bread down 60 on an out down. It was a small King. We took a small & a big King on a glow spoon on a 150 copper. The rest of our catch came on flashers with fly’s or meat rigs. Lots of Pickled Sunshine Action Fly’s & Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rigs in our spread today. All our fish came on them except a nice King took an 8″ Green Chrome Killer/Green Mile Dreamweaver Meat Rig set at 48 ft. on an out down. Two of our biggest Kings came on a 225 copper with a 10″ White Crush Green Scale Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig. A 10″ White Crush White Slick Sin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine DW Meat Rig took another big King out 130 on a low wire diver. We missed 2 fish on a high wire diver out 130 with an 8″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. From talking to a couple other captains I would suggest putting a Pickled Sunshine Action Fly or meat rig behind your favorite flasher and letting it ride. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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