Went north this morning. We were just getting ready to put our last two coppers in when I said to our crew ” It’s a bad sign when we have this many rods in and no bites”, when a low wire diver out 160 with a mag Dreamweaver Green Hulk went. Then a 225 copper with a Green Slice started taking out line. Our port out down set at 65 with a pair of standard Fuzzy Bear Yellowtails was next. We boated all 3 fish and some of the pressure was off. The water was warm. We were marking a lot of bait and some fish. We took a nice Coho on a low wire Deeper Diver out 145 with a mag Fuzzy Bear Orange Slice. Our port high wire Deeper Diver out 220 with an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly went twice. Our second biggest King came on a 250 copper with a mag Fuzzy Bear Green Slice and our biggest King came on a 375 copper with a mag Fuzzy Bear Blue Slice. Our starboard out down was set at 85 with a pair of standard Dreamweaver UV Beefeaters. It has been the best rod our last few trips, but it didn’t go at all during the early bite. We pulled it and found small King riding on it. We turned back south a couple miles north of the point. No bites on the south troll for us. We put it on a west troll and took a Steelhead on a 10 color core with a Super Slim Magic Man. Mother Nature and the fish cooperated for us today. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper & wire and Stealth Core on all our lead core rods.
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