We had a good early morning bite today up north. First rod to go was a high wire diver out 130 with a 10′ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Blue Fairways Strong Fly. A 200 copper with a Natural Glow Dreamweaver Captain’s Choice Cut Plug went next. While we were fighting those 2 we missed a King on a low wire diver out 110 with a 10″ Glow Blade Spin Doctor/Green Mirage Strong Fly. We hit another King on a 250 copper on a Pearl Zebra Captain’s Choice Plug. We got one of the fish in and then the low wire went again with the 10″ Glow Blade/Green Mirage Strong Fly. We ended up getting all those Kings in the boat then a 175 copper with a Natural Glow Captains Choice Cut Plug took a nice Lake Trout. Just north of the Point the 175 copper with the Natural Glow Plug took a big Steelhead. Boat traffic was heavy again today. When we turned back south and headed southwest for deeper water. We took 2 Kings and 2 Lakers out there. Both the Kings came on a 300 copper with a 10″ Chrome Killer Spin Doctor/Green Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig. Both the Lakers came on a tin can dodger/Green Chartreuse Spin-N-Glo. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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