Fished southwest of Ludington today setting up in 230 feet of water. Only had a few rods in the water when a high Slide Diver out 125 with a Super Slim Rasta Goose started pounding. The fish was gone before we could get to it. Our first 6 bites were on divers. I have been running spoons on all my divers lately but we’ve heard of some boats running Spin Doctors & flys on their divers and having good results. We put a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly on one low wire and a 10″ Kevin’s Girlfriend/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly on the other. We took 2 fish on the White Slick out 110 and 1 on the Kevin’s Girlfriend out 135 and another on it out 155. Our other high Slide diver out 110 with a Bloody Nose took a fish. We were marking fish deep so we pulled the spoons off our out downs and put 10″ Gold Spin Doctors/White Pink Dot Spin-N-Glos on both of them. One was set at 150 and the other 185. They both took fish. We took fish on 3, 5, 7.5 & 9 color cores. A SS Rasta Goose was real good on a 5 color core. Our only silver fish was a 5 lb. King that came on our low wire out 110 with the White Slick/Pickle.
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