We set up straight out and a little south of Ludington this morning. Our Fish Hawk was showing 39.9 degrees down 50 feet. The picture on our graph didn’t look good but we set up and put it on an out troll. Our out down set at 55 with a pair of glow spoons started rattling with a small fish. It was on the stack and got off. We took a big King on our chute rigger in the dark. We had an 11″ White Slick Dreamweaver Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly with a mag Fuzzy Bear UV Blue Skinny Jeans stacked 10 feet above it down 65 feet. The King took the stack. We didn’t hit another fish for a while and things weren’t looking too good when the drag on our 7.5 color core with a #3 glow black ladder-back plug started screaming. We took a nice King on the plug and we lost one later on it too. We haven’t been running any meat the last 2 trips, so we put one rig out 90 on a low wire diver to just keep them honest. It paid off with a mature King on a 10 ” White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine DW Meat Rig. While we were fighting that fish our 250 copper with a mag Fuzzy Bear Orange Slice took off. We were doubled up with 2 nice fish and boated both of them. We took a Lake Trout on a 300 copper with a standard glow spoon and another one on a 250 copper with a Bloody Nose spoon. We took a mature King on a #5 low wire Deeper Diver out 85 with an 8″ White Two Face Flip Fin Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. We took another Laker on the chute rigger down 75 on the big Paddle. It was far from ideal conditions out there today, but our crew came prepared for the conditions and did a great job on the rods. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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