We set up in 105 feet of water. It was 52 degrees down 60 feet on our Fish Hawk. We had all our rods set and waited for our first bite. It came on a 10 color core with a Green Hulk. It broke off. We took our first fish on a 225 copper with a Glow Black Ladderback Captain’s Choice Cut Plug. Our low wire Deeper Diver out 85 with a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig took a Coho. We took a Lake Trout on a 275 copper with a mag spoon. Not much action for us in 100 feet of water so we headed west to deeper water. We got on a decent troll and started hitting some fish. A high wire diver out 175 with an 8″ Green Dragon Slayer Flip Fin Paddle/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly took a Coho and a Laker. A 2 color core down 70 on an out down with a Yeck Fireball took a Trout. A Coho took a standard DW Blue Dolphin free sliding above another DW Blue Dolphin down 65 on an out down. A 250 coper with a Michigan Shiner Captain’s Choice Cut Plug took a fish. Our best rod was a 225 copper with a mag Fuzzy Bear Blue Slice. It went 3 times. We lost a fish on a 7.5 color core with a Yeck Double Orange Crush. We took a King on a 300 copper with a mag spoon and lost a fish on a 325 copper with an 8″ Blue Dragon Slayer Flip Fin DW Paddle/Blue Bubble Action Fly. Both our Flip Fins had the fin deployed. My DW Green Hulks on the starboard out down haven’t gone for two days now. I talked to 2 other boats that had them going on their out downs. I am going to give them one more try tomorrow before I give up on them. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire. We pull our lead cores and coppers with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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