The wave height reading at Ludington weather buoy was reading 2.6 ft. when we headed south this morning. We set up in 130 feet of water and did a south trough troll. The waves felt bigger than 2.6 ft. but with both sea anchors deployed it wasn’t too bad. We had 3 riggers in, 4 divers and 2 coppers in when the chute rigger with an 8″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly down 110 ft. took a hit. We didn’t get it. A high diver out 300 with a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig went next. It was fighting like a big King. A #3 pink glow plug on a 200 copper went then a 8″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly 85 down on an out down took off, a triple header. We had 3 triples today and a double. The high wire out 300 went 1 more time and the other high wire out 220 then 260 with the same White Slick/Pickle Rig went twice. We were also running the same rig on a 350 copper and it went twice. We had a Natural Glow Captain’s Choice Cut Plug go twice on a 375 copper. Only 1 low wire bite. It came on an 8″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly out 185. Starting to see a pattern here? They are liking White Spin Doctors and Green Action Fly’s. The waves kept building so we cut the trip short a little after 9:00 and headed in. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs, Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods and Morgan’s wire on our wire rods.
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