We fished north today setting up in 130 feet of water. The temp break was 90 feet down. It was 71 degrees at 70 feet on our Fish Hawk. No early bite again today. We hit our first fish on a Super Slim Green Skinny Jeans 90 down on an out down. It came up under our low wire and was gone. We hit a big fish on a 350 copper with a Super Slim UV Bloody Nose. It was on for while but an equipment failure, swivel, set it free. Our low wire # 5 Deeper Diver out 175 with a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine DW Meat Rig took a rip but no hook up. Our high wire # 4 Deeper Diver out 285 with an 8″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig took off with a big fish. It made a couple good runs and was gone. We weren’t off to a very good start. Our chute rigger down 110 with an 11″ White Crush Paddle/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly started bouncing and we were into a good fish. Our luck changed and a nice King came to the net. We took another mature King on a 375 copper with an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Glow Blue Bubble Action Fly. A Jack King hit a SS Green Hulk stacked above another SS Green Hulk 95 down on an out down. We got him. The northwest wind picked up and the Lake was getting rough. We were in the middle of a turn into the waves when a mature King hit our starboard low #5 wire diver out 185 with a 10″ Closer Spin Doctor/Yellow Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig. It got into two of our coppers but we got it. We reset it and finished our turn. It wasn’t in the water 10 minutes when another mature King slammed it. That one got into two coppers too. After a long fight we boated it. It was time to head in. When we pulled our chute rigger with the big White Crush, Paddle we found a 5 pound King riding on it. The trip had a rough start but ended well. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire.
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