We set up in 100 feet of water. It was 53 degrees down 50 feet. First rod to go was a #3 glow plug on a 175 copper. It went again as soon as we reset it, but we lost that one. A standard UV Bloody Nose on a 225 copper took a good size King. Our starboard low wire Deeper Diver out 125 with a 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Dreamweaver Meat Rig went twice. Our port high wire diver out 200 with a 10″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly went twice. Our port low wire Deeper Diver out 100 with a 10″ Chrome Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/DW Meat Rig took a King.
We didn’t have a rigger bite until later in the morning. Our starboard out down set at 65 with a pair of DW lemon Lime spoon took a nice Coho. The chute rigger down 85 with a mag Spotted Blue Dolphin stacked with a standard Spotted Blue Dolphin took our last King. It hit the stack. We took fish on 250 and 300 coppers with mag spoons. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire. We pull our coppers and lead cores with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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