We have been fishing north the last two days amid heavy boat traffic. Its tough to find a place to set down on the bank. We have set up just off the bank the last two mornings. The morning bite was better yesterday than today. Yesterday we had several bites early on plugs on 5, 7.5 & 10 color cores. Today we didn’t have any plug bites. Our best plug was a Natural Glow Dreamweaver Cut Plug. The 8 and 10 Chrome Killer Spin Doctor has been our best blade by far both days. We are running an 8″ Chrome Killer/Green Moo Dreamweaver Meat Rig on one high wire out 130 and a 10″ Killer/Green Gasoline Dreamweaver Meat Rig out 160 on the other high wire. We are also running both combos on our 200 coppers. We had a 10″ Chrome Killer/Green Moo on a low wire out 90 on one low wire and a 10″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Green Mile Big Water Meat Rig out 70 on the other low. We also had a 10′ Chrome Killer/Leprechaun Big Water Rig take our biggest King of the day down 65 on an out down. For us it was a meat bite today. The boat traffic was so heavy today we could never work a specific depth. We were dodging boats most of the morning. We were able to work our way out to deeper water late in the morning, but we just had a few bites out there. Last night we hit a couple fish out deep and then trolled in toward the Point. We took 3 Kings in 140 feet of water and none on the bank. We are using Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs. We have doubles the next two days so probably not much of a report until Tuesday. I will try to post pictures of our catches.
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