Had great action this morning. We set up in 200 feet of water straight out and a little south of Ludington and trolled out to 450 feet of water before we turned. Our divers were good. A high wire out 185 with an 8″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly went 4 times. An 8″ Yellow Bikini Bottom Spin Doctor/Liquid Sunshine Action Fly went 3 times on a low wire out 110 and once on a high wire out 220. The chute rigger down 75 with a Supper Slim UV Blue Dolphin free sliding above a mag Green Dolphin went twice. Both 200 coppers and one 225 copper had UV Black Dot Starburst Super Slims on them and went several times. We took fish on our out downs but didn’t have a stand out spoon on them. One was set at 55 and the other at 65. Our highest bite came on a 7.5 color core with a Yeck Purple Ham spoon. We hit a couple fish on a 250 copper with a prototype Super Slim. We didn’t run any meat today. We use Morgan’s Tackle copper on all our copper rods.
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