Fished the Ludington Pierheads this morning. Our graph looked good on our first pass across the opening. We took a King on the chute rigger down 20 with a #3 Double Glow Plug in the dark and took another one on a high Slide Diver out 100 with the same plug. We took 3 more Kings, lost one, and 2 Cohos all on #3 Plugs. The action slowed our last couple passes. We were fishing a 2 boat charter with Captain’s Dennis and Justin from Clocked Out Charters. The action slowed for both boats so we pulled lines and headed out to deeper waters. We took a big Steelhead on a high Slide Diver out 110 with a Fireball 2 small Coho and a small Lake Trout. Our group was having a Bachelor Party and it was a fun trip. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s Tackle copper and wire. We pull our lead cores and coppers with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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