There were some pretty good waves coming from the west this morning as we headed southwest out of Ludington today. We set up in 140 feet of water. The temp break was down 100 feet. We took 2 Kings early. The first hit a regular Fuzzy Bear Yellowtail spoon stacked 10 ft. above the same spoon down 120 feet on the chute rigger. We just got that one in the boat when we hit another one on a 350 copper with a glow spoon. It was looking like we were going to have some good action, but those were our last bites for quite awhile. We trolled southwest out to the 36’s and turned back and trolled northeast to the 33’s. We took a Steelhead on our chute rigger with the Fuzzy Bear Yellowtails down 120. We missed a fish on a regular size Dreamweaver Lemon Ice 100 down on an out down and missed another fish on a 400 copper with a regular size Dreamweaver Blue Dolphin. Our last fish came when we were pulling lines. It was a Lake Trout that hit the out down set at 100 with the Lemon Ice.
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