Light boat traffic up north today. The wave reading from bouy in front of Ludington read 3.8 feet when we left the harbor. Our crew wanted to fish so fish we did. It was just breaking light when a King took a glow spoon stacked above a big White Paddle down 65 feet. It wan’t long before we took another King on a low wire diver out 55 with a 10″Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Blue Fairways Strong Fly. We turned back south in the middle of the 04’s and took a big Coho on a 175 copper with an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Blue Bubble Action Fly. We took another Coho on a low wire diver out 80 witha 10″ White Slick Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. We were surprised that our plugs on our lead cores were dead. We finally did take a small Salmon on a 5 color core with a Yellow Splatter Back Captain’s Choice Cut Plug. The water was warming , but we put the 5 color back out. We pulled it after it took a Sheepshead. We took the King pictured left on a 10 color core with a 10″ Chrome Kevorkian Spin Doctor/UV On Ice Big Water Tackle Meat Rig. We took 2 fish on a high wire out 150 with a regular size Dreamweaver Super Bread spoon. The waves got bigger, the water got warmer and the action slowed later in the trip. We use Dreamweaver Premium Strips in all our meat rigs and Morgan’s copper on all our copper rods.
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