We fished straight out and a little south of Ludington today setting up in 200 feet of water on a 220 heading. We hit a King right away on a high diver out 185 with a DW Green Skinny Jeans and boated it. We hit 2 fish on an out down set at 85 with a pair of DW Super Bread spoons, a Laker & a King. We took 2 fish on a low wire diver out 95 with a mag Fuzzy Bear Green Skinny Jeans. We took a Steelhead and a King on a 10 color core with a Yeck Fireball and a big Steelhead on a Yeck Wart Frog 65 down on an out down. We took a small King on a DW Blue Dolphin free sliding above a mag Dreamweaver Blue Dolphin 95 down on the chute rigger. A DW Rasta Goose went twice on a 200 copper but we only got one of them. We took a King on a DW Green Skinny Jeans 75 down on an out down. This is the first trip I can remember that we didn’t run any Spin Doctors, all spoons today. We pull our lead core and Morgan’s Tackle copper with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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