Tough day today for us. We set up southwest of Ludington this morning in 210 feet of water. It was rougher than we expected and it was hard to get a good troll. We fished for quite a while on an out troll without a bite. We turned and made an in troll and finally took a Steelhead on a 7.5 color core with a Yeck Fireball. While fighting that fish we hit another one on a 300 copper with a Super Slim Green Skinny Jeans. It got off. We were marking a lot of bait so we continued on the in troll for another half mile without another hit. We turned back out and landed a double on a 7.5 color core and a 10 color core both with Yeck Fireballs. We took another Steelhead 85 down on the chute rigger with a pair of Super Slim Super Breads. It took the main bait. We lost a Steelhead on a Slide Diver out 150 with a Super Slim Fireball and lost another one on a Yeck Jared 150 out on a high wire diver. Our last fish on was a Steelhead. It hit a Dreamweaver Spotted Blue Dolphin 65 down on an out down. It was almost in the net when it did a cartwheel and was gone. It managed to spin the hook off the spilt ring, bummer. We pull our lead core and Morgan’s Tackle copper with Dreamweaver Ninja Boards.
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