We fished north of Ludington today setting up off the Bath House in 90 feet of water (fow). We hit a fish right away on an 8″ Blue Bubble Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly out 80 on a high wire. We were trolling north working between 110 & 70 fow. A 10 color core with a Yeck Lighting went next and a Super Slim Orange Signature Series on a 7.5 core hit a fish and we had a double on. We boated both those Kings and then no more action all the way to the middle of the 04’s. We put it on a 330 troll heading out to deep water and hopefully a nice temp break. The surface temp was 57.6 degrees for most of our out troll. It was a slow pick all the way out. A Tin Can Dodger/Green Crinkle Action Fly down 80 on the chute rigger took 3 Kings and an out down set at 55 with a pair of regular size Dreamweaver Golden Eye spoons took 3 fish also. We took a few fish on our cores with the 7.5 color SS Orange Signatures, pictured right, being the best. We finally made it to a break out in 540 fow north of the Point and the action picked up. It was a pretty tight break dropping from 57.6 all the way down to 41.8 in about a mile. We only had 2 meat bites, both on high wires, so we pulled one and replaced it with a Slide Diver. It was near the end of the trip so it wasn’t out very long but it took 2 nice Kings. One of them weighed over 15 lbs. and was the biggest fish of the day. We had a Super Slim Fireball out 85 with about a 20 foot lead on that diver. A 3 color core with a Super Slim Starburst took 2 Steelhead. We hit fish on the warm side of the break and in the cold too.
Ludington Area Fishing Reports
6-23-14 Fishing Report
We fished north of Ludington today setting up in 100 feet of water (fow) off the Bath House. We worked on and off the shelf between 70 & 110 fow all the way north down to the 05’s. Our first pass was good. We had 9 bites and boated 7 fish. Two Kings came on an 8″ White Crush Spin Doctor/Pickled Sunshine Action Fly. We had 1 on the chute rigger at 65 feet and the other on a 300 copper. Both the starboard wire divers went. The high wire was a 10″ Kevin’s Girlfriend Spin Doctor/Green Mile Big Water Meat Rig and the low was a 10″ White Killer Spin Doctor/Total Chaos Big Water Rig. We missed 1 and got 1. A 10 color lead core with a Yeck Lighting went 3 times and an out down set at 55 ft. went twice. When we turned back and started our south troll the action all but stopped. We didn’t have another bite until we got to the point. That came on a 10″ Yellow Sparkle Spin Doctor/UV On Ice Big Water Rig 200 out on a high wire diver. We only had 2 more bites after that. The 10 color with the Yeck Lightning took a fish and we missed a Steelhead on a SS Starburst. The early bird got the worm today.
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